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Supporting Endike Community Care

How to find us...

Fabulous food...

Contact us at:

Endike Community Care
(George Ashton Building)

Ashton Close

Ellerburn Avenue

Hull HU6 9RJ


Registered Charity no


Tel: 01482 809473
E-mail: eileen_eileen@hotmail.co.uk


Menu of activities...

Get involved!

 Volunteers Welcome!

Can you spare a little of your time?

Just a small amount will make a difference!


For more information call the above number.



Magical Memory Tours Trips

Silver Surfers Club ~ Computers

Meals on Wheels

Food Bank

Food Bank Project


 Our Food Bank and Hot Meals projects are now in full flow and demand is high. Both projects are geared towards those on low incomes and benefits (Proof of I.D and benefits required). Food Bank

collection is available every Tuesday between 10am and 3.30pm and limited to one food bag per person for a minimal fee of just £1.50. Food bag contents will vary but hold basic essentials and provisions ranging from tea, sugar to tinned beans or cereals etc.



Hot Meal Project

Our Hot Meal Project was launched by the Lord Mayor of Hull Nadine Fudge on Friday 14th June who helped with serving. Also attending was John Bracewell from the Northern Area Team along with Councillors Dean Kirk and Julie Conner.


For a limited period we will be serving hot and nutrititous meals to those on low incomes and benefits free of charge. Just like the Food Bank Project proof of I.D and benefits is required.


Meals will be served every Friday between 12.30 and 1.30 and we have just 20 meals available for each Friday. So either pop along to Endike Community Care to reserve your meal or call us on 809473 to book your place. It's that simple!

Find us behind the church off Endike Lane


Remember the Hot Meal Project is for a limited period only. During these recession times we will endeavour to do our best to run both the Food Bank and Hot Meals Projects for as long as possible.

More pictures from the launch of the Hot Meal Project. What a brilliant response



People started to filter in very soon after the launch. What a loverly atmosphere and the response was superb. The menu: Meat pie with mash and peas.



The Lady Mayoress  Ms Leanne Fudge presented a family with a Food Bag after having their meal with us. Even their young baby enjoyed her food which was especially brought in.