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Supporting Endike Community Care

How to find us...

Fabulous food...

Contact us at:

Endike Community Care
(George Ashton Building)

Ashton Close

Ellerburn Avenue

Hull HU6 9RJ


Registered Charity no


Tel: 01482 809473
E-mail: eileen_eileen@hotmail.co.uk


Menu of activities...

Get involved!

 Volunteers Welcome!

Can you spare a little of your time?

Just a small amount will make a difference!


For more information call the above number.



Magical Memory Tours Trips

Silver Surfers Club ~ Computers

Meals on Wheels

Food Bank

Our Local Sainsbury's

Our Local 'Sainsbury's' on Greenwood Avenue has sponsored us for a second year...

This year Manager Liz and her team have staged many events to raise money for our charity.There's been Tombola, Raffles, Jumble Sales, Cake Stalls, Hook a Duck, Book Sales, Name the Toy, Lucky Bags for Kids and more. Their support has been tremendous raising a whopping £619. Children have also helped with these events by baking cakes etc.so thank you to Courtney, Broady, Brook and Brogen for their time and effort. You've all been brillant and your work is greatly appreciated.

Liz (centre) with Deana and Trina

Here Liz and two staff members popped in to present Endike Community Care with a cheque. Their fundraising and support has been wonderful and the money they have raised will certainly come in useful for our charity organisation. Well done and many thanks to all concerned at our local

                                                                                     Sainsbury's on Greenwood Avenue.

                   You've done a brilliant job!

Our Little Helpers

It's always nice to see smiling faces. All four of you should be really proud of yourselves. You used your own time and made a great contribution by helping to bake cakes etc.

'A Big Thank You'


        Brooke and Brogan


Endike Community Care Members

Our members are always happy to have their photographs taken at special events like this one. They were all very pleased when the cheque was presented.Lillian who is seated is one of our oldest members at 104 years old. At Endike Community Care we currently have eighty four members who love

                                                                                         coming to our Day Care Centre.