Keeping People Safe Project
The Keeping People Safe Project was launched on 5th September 2013 with great results. It's popularity has continued to grow. The response has been overwhelming and its more than evident people appreciate the service. Befriending those living alone has bee particularly interesting and some are now attending the centre for social interaction.
By collaborating with the local Police Community Support Officers we are able to work as a partnership and display hands on support to those in the community. By joining together we are able to share information and communicate any worries or concerns to members of the 'Keeping People Safe' project. By working together this will resolve any immediate concerns quicker and also maintain the safety and welfare of those concerned. Equally a more visual presence will prevent any potential incidents which will deter any malicous activity within the area.
Community Support Officers are very supportive of this project and are always keen to show interest and help on a regular basis with this project.
Their continued support is very appreciated.