Wavelengths Digital Technology

Supporting Endike Community Care

How to find us...

Fabulous food...

Contact us at:

Endike Community Care
(George Ashton Building)

Ashton Close

Ellerburn Avenue

Hull HU6 9RJ


Registered Charity no


Tel: 01482 809473
E-mail: eileen_eileen@hotmail.co.uk


Menu of activities...

Get involved!

 Volunteers Welcome!

Can you spare a little of your time?

Just a small amount will make a difference!


For more information call the above number.



Magical Memory Tours Trips

Silver Surfers Club ~ Computers

Meals on Wheels

Food Bank

Endike Community Care history

Past achievements


A few years ago, our current chairman decided to found Endike Community Care as a local charity. The initial idea was to encourage local people to provide support to those in need. A sense of community was quickly established as a key component in the organisation, boosting memberships greatly!

New premises

Thanks to your contributions and the fantastic results of our fundraising events, we finally secured new premises and moved into them last month.